How Can We Help:

Both the City and the County have issued orders requiring everyone—customers and staff—to wear a mask or other cloth face covering while inside any business. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the widespread use of face coverings as a mechanism to slow the spread because the primary transmission of COVID-19 is now known to be by respiratory droplets, and the transmission largely occurs in the first seven days after infection, when people often do not show signs of being sick.

Face coverings should be worn over your nose and mouth, and you should avoid touching or adjusting it as much as possible while wearing it. Face coverings should be washed between uses.

They should be worn when entering and while inside any public enclosed area or adjacent patio, including retail and commercial businesses, City facilities, public transportation, or any public indoor place where physical distance cannot be maintained.

Face coverings are just one tactic to reduce risk; washing hands, maintaining physical distance of at least 6 feet, and continuing to stay home as much as possible are all effective ways to slow the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

Face Covering FAQs 

Downloadable signs Fort Collins businesses can use:


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